Sunday 18 August 2013



The super mother is the one who is always there for her children, whether she is working or not, she is there. She can handle many things at one time, but it is very very normal for her to be frustrated. But, if frustrated also means breaking the house and shouting on the street and throwing lamps outside the window, I'm not that sure...sorry. She is not perfect, she can't be a super mother if she is. It's not important, the fact that she cooks or not. 
But, I think the application will be rejected if she can't convince a child to eat a bite of a pancake by any fictitious way!
And she should be able to grate cheese. Please.
And of course, it is so easy for her to write 1001 ways to make your child get to bed.
She can shout at her kids when and whenever she wants. But not too much, please. She must control her anger when her daughter talks about becoming a princess and she remembers the time she could never be one....
She should improvise. She must, because carrot pie looks like pepperoni pizza.
And takeaway is not an option.
She does not sneak or keep spies for her kids. She trusts them. But staying 5 minutes extra at their school just to see what's happening is not sneaking, don't worry moms.
And it should remain till the world ends.
 --------------------End of part 1- there's more to come-----------------


 That's me! yes! I pass. Do you?


  1. This is such a great piece of writing! I must say your blog is so nice and this post was conveying so many things!
    Keep up the work Shanu!
    Following you now! :)

    1. Thanks Sakshi, I am very inspired by your blog!
      Following your blog!
